His Name is John! | Trusting Beyond Tradition [Luke 1:57-65]

His Name is John!

Sermon Summary

In this message, we explored the thought-provoking story of Zechariah and Elizabeth from the book of Luke, focusing on the birth and naming of their son, John the Baptist. This story is a powerful reminder of how God's plans often challenge cultural norms and personal expectations. Zechariah and Elizabeth faced a choice that defied tradition: naming their son John instead of following the customary practice of naming him after his father. This decision was not merely about breaking tradition but about obedience to God's specific revelation to them. It highlights the importance of discerning God's will, even when it contradicts societal norms or personal desires.

The story of Zechariah and Elizabeth teaches us that God's will is often mysterious and may not align with our understanding or expectations. It requires us to trust in His higher ways and thoughts, which are beyond our comprehension. This trust is rooted in a deep relationship with God, cultivated through prayer, devotion, and a willingness to surrender our plans to His divine purpose. The narrative also emphasizes the significance of revelation, where God unveils His plans to us in new and personal ways, though not necessarily unprecedented.

As we navigate our lives, we are encouraged to seek God's perfect will, which may involve making choices that are not merely between good and evil but between good and best. This discernment requires us to be open to new things God might be doing in our lives, even if they seem unconventional or challenging. We are reminded that God's will is not always a straightforward path but a journey of faith, requiring us to step out in obedience and trust.


Message Study Guide

Youtube chapters

[00:00] - Welcome
[30:47] - Announcements and Events
[36:30] - Offering and New Building Update
[42:28] - The Story of Zechariah and Elizabeth
[47:43] - Obedience Over Tradition
[49:58] - Cultural Norms vs. God's Will
[51:06] - Jesus' Unexpected Arrival
[52:24] - Trusting in God's Higher Ways
[54:33] - The Mystery of God's Will
[01:01:16] - Pursuing God's Perfect Will
[01:02:35] - The Sin of Disobedience
[01:04:47] - Revelation and New Things
[01:07:08] - Joseph's Dream and God's Plan
[01:09:43] - Faith and Obedience
[01:12:28] - Knowing God's Word and Ways
[01:15:03] - Embracing New Things
[01:17:49] - Six Steps to Knowing God's Will
[01:23:42] - Trusting God's Guidance
[01:27:19] - Seeking God's Will in Our Lives
[01:31:43] - Surrendering to God's Will

Key Takeaways

  • Obedience Over Tradition: Zechariah and Elizabeth's decision to name their son John, as instructed by God, illustrates the importance of prioritizing divine revelation over cultural norms. This obedience opened the door for God's blessings and reminded us that God's plans may require us to break from tradition. [47:43]

  • Trusting in God's Higher Ways: God's ways and thoughts are higher than ours, often leading us into the unknown. Like Abraham, we are called to trust God even when His plans seem mysterious or counterintuitive, knowing that His purposes are ultimately for our good. [52:24]

  • The Mystery of God's Will: Understanding God's will involves embracing the mystery and unpredictability of His plans. We must be willing to follow His lead, even when it disrupts our own plans or expectations, trusting that He is guiding us toward His perfect purpose. [54:33]

  • Revelation and Relationship: Knowing God's will is not just about understanding His word but also about cultivating a relationship with Him. Through prayer and devotion, we learn to discern His ways and align our lives with His divine purpose. [01:12:28]

  • The Role of Timing and Surrender: God's will often involves a sense of divine timing, requiring us to act promptly and decisively. Surrendering to His will means being open and ready to respond to His leading, trusting that He will equip us for the journey ahead. [01:31:43]

Bible Reading

Luke 1:57-66 NKJV - 57 Now Elizabeth's full time came for her to be delivered, and she brought forth a son. 58 When her neighbors and relatives heard how the Lord had shown great mercy to her, they rejoiced with her. 59 So it was, on the eighth day, that they came to circumcise the child; and they would have called him by the name of his father, Zacharias. 60 His mother answered and said, "No; he shall be called John." 61 But they said to her, "There is no one among your relatives who is called by this name." 62 So they made signs to his father--what he would have him called. 63 And he asked for a writing tablet, and wrote, saying, "His name is John." So they all marveled. 64 Immediately his mouth was opened and his tongue [loosed], and he spoke, praising God. 65 Then fear came on all who dwelt around them; and all these sayings were discussed throughout all the hill country of Judea. 66 And all those who heard [them] kept [them] in their hearts, saying, "What kind of child will this be?" And the hand of the Lord was with him.

Isaiah 55:9 NKJVFor [as] the heavens are higher than the earth, So are My ways higher than your ways, And My thoughts than your thoughts.

Observation Questions

  1. What was the cultural expectation for naming Zechariah and Elizabeth's son, and how did they respond? [43:52]

  2. How did Zechariah communicate his agreement with Elizabeth about their son's name, and what was the immediate result of his action? [43:52]

  3. What does the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth teach us about the importance of obedience to God's revelation over cultural norms? [47:43]

  4. How does the sermon illustrate the concept of God's will being mysterious and often counterintuitive to human understanding? [52:24]

Interpretation Questions

  1. Why might God choose to reveal His will in ways that challenge cultural norms or personal expectations, as seen in the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth? [47:43]

  2. How does the sermon suggest that a deep relationship with God can aid in discerning His will, even when it seems mysterious or counterintuitive? [54:33]

  3. In what ways does the sermon highlight the role of timing and surrender in following God's will, and how can this be applied to personal decision-making? [01:31:43]

  4. How does the sermon use the example of Zechariah and Elizabeth to illustrate the difference between choosing what is good and what is best according to God's will? [01:02:35]

Application Questions

  1. Reflect on a time when you felt God's will was leading you in a direction that contradicted societal norms or personal desires. How did you respond, and what was the outcome? [47:43]

  2. The sermon emphasizes the importance of a relationship with God in discerning His will. What specific steps can you take this week to deepen your relationship with God through prayer and devotion? [54:33]

  3. Consider a decision you are currently facing. How can you apply the principle of choosing between what is good and what is best in this situation? [01:02:35]

  4. The sermon discusses the role of timing in God's will. Is there an area in your life where you feel God is prompting you to act promptly? How can you ensure you are ready to respond? [01:31:43]

  5. How can you cultivate a mindset of surrender to God's will, especially when it involves stepping into the unknown or the unconventional? [52:24]

  6. Think about a tradition or cultural norm in your life that might be hindering your obedience to God's will. What steps can you take to align more closely with His revelation? [47:43]

  7. How can you seek wise counsel from fellow believers to help discern God's will in your life, and who might you approach for such guidance? [01:20:58]

Keep an eye on our Facebook Page for Prayer Prompts and Daily Devotionals based on this message over the next five days.

In Love, Pastor Adam Dragoon

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