When God Says, "SHUT UP!"

When God Says, “SHUT UP!”

Sermon Summary

In this message, we explore the profound story of Zechariah and Elizabeth from Luke Chapter 1, a narrative that sets the stage for the miraculous birth of John the Baptist. This story is a powerful reminder of how God can intervene in our lives, even when we least expect it. Zechariah and Elizabeth were righteous and devout, yet they faced the deep personal struggle of childlessness, a situation that often led to societal judgment and personal doubt. Despite their faithful service, they likely resigned themselves to a life without children until God intervened in a miraculous way.

Zechariah's encounter with the angel Gabriel in the temple is pivotal. It highlights the reality that no amount of religious devotion or service can prepare us for a direct encounter with God's presence. When faced with the angel's message, Zechariah's initial response was one of doubt, reflecting a common human tendency to question God's promises when they seem impossible. This doubt led to a period of enforced silence, a time for Zechariah to listen and reflect, ultimately preparing him to speak with faith and prophecy once his son, John, was born.

This narrative challenges us to consider our own responses to God's promises and interventions. It encourages us to embrace moments of silence and listening, allowing God to speak into our lives and prepare us for His purposes. As we enter the Christmas season, a time of miracles and reflection, we are reminded to be open to the unexpected ways God might work in our lives, just as He did with Zechariah and Elizabeth.


Message Study Guide

Youtube chapters

[00:00] - Welcome
[41:57] - Opening Announcements
[46:45] - Building Fund and Support
[51:36] - Introduction to Zechariah and Elizabeth
[54:47] - When God Says, "Shut Up"
[56:40] - Zechariah's Role as a Priest
[01:00:43] - The Struggle of Childlessness
[01:03:02] - Divine Interruption by Gabriel
[01:04:24] - The Power of God's Presence
[01:06:55] - Zechariah's Doubt and God's Response
[01:09:21] - Embracing God's Promises
[01:11:41] - Silence as a Tool for Growth
[01:17:06] - Zechariah's Transformation
[01:24:34] - Zechariah's Prophecy
[01:26:57] - New Beginnings and Miracles

Key Takeaways

  • Faithful Service Amidst Struggles: Zechariah and Elizabeth's story teaches us that even the most devout can face deep personal struggles. Their faithfulness amidst childlessness challenges us to remain steadfast in our service to God, trusting His timing and purposes. [51:36]

  • The Power of God's Presence: Zechariah's encounter with the angel Gabriel underscores that no amount of religious routine can substitute for a genuine encounter with God's presence. This moment reminds us to be open to divine interruptions in our lives, which can transform our understanding and faith. [01:04:24]

  • Silence as a Tool for Growth: Zechariah's period of silence was not a punishment but a divine tool for growth. It allowed him to listen and prepare for the role God had for him. This teaches us the value of silence and listening in our spiritual journey, enabling us to hear God's voice more clearly. [01:11:41]

  • Embracing God's Promises: Despite knowing the scriptures, Zechariah initially doubted God's promise. This reflects our own struggles with faith when faced with seemingly impossible situations. We are encouraged to trust in God's promises, even when they defy our understanding. [01:09:21]

  • The Potential for New Beginnings: The birth of John the Baptist was a new beginning for Zechariah and Elizabeth, illustrating that God can bring about new life and purpose in our lives, regardless of our past or present circumstances. This encourages us to remain open to the new things God wants to do in and through us. [01:26:57]

Bible Reading

Luke 1:18-22 NLT - 18 Zechariah said to the angel, "How can I be sure this will happen? I'm an old man now, and my wife is also well along in years." 19 Then the angel said, "I am Gabriel! I stand in the very presence of God. It was he who sent me to bring you this good news! 20 But now, since you didn't believe what I said, you will be silent and unable to speak until the child is born. For my words will certainly be fulfilled at the proper time." 21 Meanwhile, the people were waiting for Zechariah to come out of the sanctuary, wondering why he was taking so long. 22 When he finally did come out, he couldn't speak to them. Then they realized from his gestures and his silence that he must have seen a vision in the sanctuary.

Observation Questions

  1. What was Zechariah's initial reaction to the angel Gabriel's message, and how did it reflect his faith at that moment? [01:08:45]

  2. How does the Bible describe Zechariah and Elizabeth's character and their service to God? [56:40]

  3. What was the societal perception of childlessness during Zechariah and Elizabeth's time, and how might it have affected them personally? [01:00:43]

  4. What significant change occurred in Zechariah's life after his encounter with the angel, and how did it prepare him for future events? [01:17:06]

Interpretation Questions

  1. Why might Zechariah have doubted the angel's message despite his knowledge of scripture and his role as a priest? [01:09:21]

  2. How does Zechariah's period of silence serve as a tool for spiritual growth, and what might this suggest about the role of silence in our own spiritual journeys? [01:11:41]

  3. In what ways does Zechariah's story illustrate the potential for new beginnings, and how does this relate to the broader narrative of the Christmas story? [01:26:57]

  4. How does the story of Zechariah and Elizabeth challenge our understanding of faithfulness and God's timing in our lives? [01:00:43]

Application Questions

  1. Reflect on a time when you doubted God's promises in your life. What steps can you take to strengthen your faith in seemingly impossible situations? [01:09:21]

  2. Zechariah's silence was a period of growth and preparation. How can you incorporate moments of silence and listening into your daily routine to better hear God's voice? [01:11:41]

  3. Consider the societal pressures or judgments you face. How can you remain steadfast in your faith and service to God despite these challenges? [01:00:43]

  4. Zechariah and Elizabeth's story is one of new beginnings. What new beginnings might God be preparing for you, and how can you remain open to them? [01:26:57]

  5. How can you create space in your life for divine interruptions, allowing God to transform your understanding and faith? [01:04:24]

  6. In what ways can you actively embrace and trust in God's promises, even when they defy your understanding or expectations? [01:09:21]

  7. Identify an area in your life where you need to be more open to God's timing and purposes. What practical steps can you take to align your actions with this trust? [01:00:43]

Keep an eye on our Facebook Page for Prayer Prompts and Daily Devotionals based on this message over the next five days.

In Love, Pastor Adam Dragoon

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