Willing Sacrifices: Lessons from Veteran's Day [Galatians 6:14-17]
Willing Sacrifices
Lessons from Veteran’s Day
This message focuses on sacrifice, comparing the commitments of military personnel with those of followers of Christ. As we honor veterans, we acknowledge their sacrifices—personal freedom, time with family, and safety. These sacrifices parallel our spiritual journey. In Galatians 6, Paul mentions bearing the marks of Jesus, highlighting the willingness to endure hardship for the Gospel. This reminds us that following Christ requires sacrificing our desires and comforts for God's kingdom.
In Christ, we become new creations, similar to the transformation in military service, demanding a renewed mind and commitment to God's will. Just as military service requires sacrifices, our faith walk requires laying down our lives, plans, and comforts. Jesus set the ultimate example of sacrifice by giving His life, calling us to do the same in our pursuit of His kingdom.
Sacrifice comes with rewards; God honors our commitments. Like military service brings benefits, serving Christ yields eternal rewards. We are encouraged to persevere, confident that our sacrifices are meaningful and that God rewards those who seek Him.
Reflecting on these truths, let us be willing to make sacrifices, trusting in God's strength. Remember, sacrifices are inherent to following Jesus and show our commitment to Him. May we be inspired by our veterans and Christ's ultimate sacrifice to live sacrificially for God’s glory.
Message Study Guide
Key Takeaways
Sacrifice is a fundamental aspect of both military service and the Christian life. Just as soldiers give up personal freedoms and comforts, we are called to lay down our lives for Christ, embracing the transformation into new creations in Him. [45:53]
The marks of sacrifice, as seen in Paul's life, are a testament to our commitment to Christ. These marks, whether physical or spiritual, serve as evidence of our willingness to endure hardship for the sake of the Gospel. [01:02:50]
Following Christ requires a willingness to sacrifice personal relationships, comforts, and desires. Jesus calls us to prioritize His kingdom over earthly ties, reminding us that true discipleship involves bearing our cross daily. [57:42]
The sacrifices we make for Christ are not without reward. God is faithful to honor and reward those who diligently seek Him, and our sacrifices are seen and valued by Him. [01:17:11]
Just as military service comes with benefits and honors, serving Christ comes with eternal rewards. Our willingness to sacrifice is part of the package of following Jesus, and it is a testament to our commitment to Him. [01:18:59]
Youtube Chapters
[00:00] - Welcome
[35:50] - Offering and Generosity
[40:39] - Honoring Veterans
[42:12] - Willing Sacrifices
[45:53] - New Creation in Christ
[47:15] - Crucified to the World
[48:40] - Sacrifices in Military Life
[49:54] - Time and Family Sacrifices
[51:07] - Loss of Privacy
[52:18] - Career and Financial Sacrifices
[55:50] - Impact on Relationships
[57:08] - Sacrifices in Following Jesus
[57:42] - Counting the Cost
[01:02:50] - Paul's Marks of Sacrifice
[01:17:11] - God's Reward for Sacrifice
[01:20:11] - Willingness to Sacrifice
[01:24:53] - Prayer and Commitment
Bible Reading
Galatians 6:14-17 NKJV - 14 But God forbid that I should boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world. 15 For in Christ Jesus neither circumcision nor uncircumcision avails anything, but a new creation. 16 And as many as walk according to this rule, peace and mercy [be] upon them, and upon the Israel of God. 17 From now on let no one trouble me, for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus.
Luke 14:26-27 NKJV - 26 "If anyone comes to Me and does not hate his father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters, yes, and his own life also, he cannot be My disciple. 27 "And whoever does not bear his cross and come after Me cannot be My disciple.
John 15:13 NKJV - 13 "Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends.
Observation Questions
In Galatians 6:14-17, what does Paul mean when he says he bears the marks of Jesus on his body? How does this relate to the concept of sacrifice? [42:12]
According to the sermon, what are some specific sacrifices that military personnel make, and how do these compare to the sacrifices Christians are called to make? [49:54]
What does Jesus mean in Luke 14:26-27 when He talks about hating one's family and bearing one's cross? How does this relate to the idea of sacrifice in the Christian life? [57:42]
How does the sermon describe the transformation that occurs when one becomes a new creation in Christ, and how is this similar to the transformation experienced by military personnel? [45:53]
Interpretation Questions
How does Paul's willingness to endure physical marks for the sake of the Gospel challenge modern Christians in their understanding of sacrifice? [01:02:50]
What might be the spiritual significance of the sacrifices Jesus calls His followers to make, as described in Luke 14:26-27? How do these sacrifices reflect one's commitment to Christ? [57:42]
In what ways does the sermon suggest that the sacrifices made for Christ are rewarded, and how does this compare to the rewards and honors given to military personnel? [01:17:11]
How does the concept of being a new creation in Christ require a renewal of the mind, and what are some practical ways this renewal can manifest in a believer's life? [45:53]
Application Questions
Reflect on a personal sacrifice you have made for your faith. How did it impact your spiritual journey, and what did you learn from it? [01:20:11]
Consider the relationships in your life. Are there any that might be hindering your walk with Christ? How can you prioritize your commitment to His kingdom over these earthly ties? [58:52]
Identify a specific area in your life where you feel God is calling you to sacrifice. What steps can you take this week to begin making that sacrifice? [01:14:12]
How can the example of military personnel inspire you to embrace the sacrifices required in your spiritual journey? What practical actions can you take to demonstrate this commitment? [49:54]
Reflect on the rewards and honors that come with serving Christ. How does the promise of eternal rewards motivate you to endure hardships and sacrifices in your faith journey? [01:18:59]
Think about a time when you felt uncomfortable or challenged in your faith. How did you respond, and what might you do differently in the future to embrace these moments as opportunities for growth? [01:03:56]
How can you support others in your community who are making sacrifices for their faith? What specific actions can you take to encourage and uplift them this week? [01:24:53]
Keep an eye on our Facebook Page for Prayer Prompts and Daily Devotionals based on this message over the next five days.
In Love,
Pastor Adam Dragoon
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