Adam Dragoon Adam Dragoon

Discipleship Qualities - What to Look For in Men

Found this article while going through a Pastor's packet from last year's conference.

A number of years ago Pastor Mitchell presented a list of things he looked for in disciples in a breakfast meeting. The following seven qualities were the result:


The ability to continue on with a project, vision, or ministry.


The ability to support and encourage a wife, maintain a marriage and have control over children. The ability to make and keep friends, resolve conflicts and remain flexible


A person who possesses skills in follow-up, group ministry such as bible studies and bands and who communicates clearly. This person also has momentum in personal spiritual growth.


Someone who is capable of managing the finances of a marriage and meets their financial obligations in a timely and adequate manner


The self-motivated can initiate and follow through on projects. They do not need a full game plan or hands-on guidance to finish the task.


The disciplines of a spiritual life include prayer, bible study, evangelism and worship. There is also discipline in details, timeliness and availability form ministry that must be cultivated.


Leaders and disciples must be receptive to discipline, correction and instruction from headship. This must be maintained when others are promoted, in times of laboring in obscurity and among one’s peers.

Leave a comment below to add qualities that you want to see cultivated in yourself and in your DISCIPLES!

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Adam Dragoon Adam Dragoon

The Good Shepherd

Last night, I preached a message that has been on my mind and my heart as we approach another new year. King David the Psalmist framed his relationship with God in this way, "The Lord is my shepherd", and in doing so, continues to give us revelation about our lives in the Kingdom of God.

1. The Righteous are God's Sheep - This is not exactly a compliment if you know anything about sheep. You'll never find a "Mighty Sheep" as a high school mascot, sheep have no natural defense mechanisms, poor eyesight, etc.. It seems like they are destined to be the bottom of the food chain. We people also have many weaknesses, if only we are willing to admit them. One of the most empowering things you could ever do is to realize your limitations, embrace them and put yourself under the authority of a good shepherd. Because, after all, a sheep under the care of a shepherd finds himself enjoying great freedom and blessing.

He lets me rest in green meadows; he leads me beside peaceful streams.  He renews my strength. He guides me along right paths, bringing honor to his name. [Ps 23:2,3]



2. We are all called to "Shepherdhood" - A pastor is a shepherd to the church. An elder or deacon is a shepherd within the body. A husband is a shepherd to his wife. Parents are shepherds to their children. A teacher is a shepherd to his students. An employer is a shepherd his employees. An older child is a shepherd to his younger bothers and sisters. Anyone who leads in anyway is a shepherd who is responsible for the care of another. How are you leading the sheep that God has given under your care?

With these things in mind, I want to take these last few weeks of the year to renew the sacred shepherd/sheep relationship with the flock that God has entrusted to me. I will be making time betweeen now and the end of the year to hold pastoral meetings with anyone who wishes to do so. These meetings have been extemely helpful to me and to those who have taken advantage of them in the past.

If you're reading this, then you are heartily invited to respond to set up a time that we can meet. I'd like to have individual meetings with everyone, and also meetings with married couples. Please contact me to setup the date/time of your meeting. Looking forward to it!

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Adam Dragoon Adam Dragoon

Don't Go It Alone!

This post comes from the very helpful Renewed Heart blog:

When Neo is set free from the Matrix, he joins the crew of the Nebuchadnezzar—the little hovercraft that is the headquarters and ship of the small fellowship called to set the captives free. There are nine of them in all, each a character in his own way, but nonetheless a company of the heart, a “band of brothers,” a family bound together in a single fate. Together, they train for battle. Together, they plan their path. When they go back into the Matrix to set others free, each one has a role, a gifting, a glory. They function as a team. And they watch each other’s back. Neo is fast, really fast, but he still would have been taken out if it hadn’t been for Trinity. Morpheus is more gifted than them all, but it took the others to rescue him.

You see this sort of thing at the center of every great story. Dorothy takes her journey with the Scarecrow, the Tin Woodman, the Lion, and of course, Toto. Maximus rallies his little band and triumphs over the greatest empire on earth. When Captain John Miller is sent deep behind enemy lines to save Private Ryan, he goes in with a squad of eight rangers. And, of course, Jesus had the Twelve. This is written so deeply on our hearts: You must not go alone. The Scriptures are full of such warnings, but until we see our desperate situation, we hear it as an optional religious assembly for an hour on Sunday mornings.

Think again of Frodo or Neo or Caspian or Jesus. Imagine you are surrounded by a small company of friends who know you well (characters, to be sure, but they love you, and you have come to love them). They understand that we all are at war, know that the purposes of God are to bring a man or a woman fully alive, and are living by sheer necessity and joy in the Four Streams. They fight for you, and you for them. Imagine you could have a little fellowship of the heart. Would you want it if it were available?

Let's renew our commitment to sharing our struggles by linking hearts together.

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Adam Dragoon Adam Dragoon

Why Would A Christian Even Think About Celebrating Halloween?

I don't get it.. Vampires, zombies, blood, pillowcases full of sugar, hyper-sexualization of the youngest girls among us.. Halloween is now the most celebrated "holiday" (although, not a holy-day by any stretch) in public schools. It is well-documented how deeply "All-Hallows Eve" is rooted in Celtic pagan practices.

Haven't we been commanded, "Finally, brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things [are] noble, whatever things [are] just, whatever things [are] pure, whatever things [are] lovely, whatever things [are] of good report, if [there is] any virtue and if [there is] anything praiseworthy--meditate on these things." (Phil. 4:8)?

Martin Luther sparks the Protestant Reformation on Oct 31, 1517

Martin Luther sparks the Protestant Reformation on Oct 31, 1517

Especially when we have something far more historically and spiritually significant- Reformation Day! Celebrating October 31, 1517, when Martin Luther posted his 95 theses to the church door in Wittenberg, Germany which served to bring momentum to would would later be known as the Protestant Reformation.

Rarely do we have such a wonderful chance to so completely redeem such a horrific day, so let's do it! Reclaim our Protestant heritage and don't give credence to the darkest day on the American calendar.

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Adam Dragoon Adam Dragoon

Exactly What I Need

It’s 3:13 AM, and even though I’m thoroughly exhausted, I’m having trouble falling asleep. It’s the jet lag, no doubt. The missions team to Arusha, Tanzania in East Africa began on Monday afternoon when we met at the church around 2:30 PM. Thanks to a drive up to DC, a flight into Istanbul, then another to Kilimanjaro, then a final hour-long drive here to Arusha we have finally stopped moving after nearly thirty hours. I can tell already though, it’s going to be worth it.

Whenever you travel out of a first-world culture into a third-world culture, it’s almost like going back 50 years in a time machine. Let me start by describing what I can hear: There is the soft drumming of raindrops into broad plant leaves outside the window. I can hear the other weary team members getting settled into their rooms close to mine. I can hear the muted taps of the keys as I’m typing on my laptop. Other than these things, I can hear.. nothing. It’s the sweet, enveloping silence that is so rare in modern American life in the 21st century. There’s no background music, no road noise, no a/c units humming, no message alerts. Without Wi-Fi or cell service, this is the first time I find myself without internet access in… years! I’m ecstatic!

I’m glad we opted to pay one-fifth the price to stay in a simple African style hotel, rather than the exuberant western-style hotel down the street. It would have afforded our team the same comforts and luxuries that we are so used to in Virginia Beach. How boring. Instead, we are staying in a place that I can tell was built by the owner. No, he literally built it with his own hands. We each have about 90 sq. ft. to call our own for the next week; just enough room for a bed and a washroom. You might think that I’m complaining, but it’s just the opposite. As I was showering off the airplane funk, watching the water drain into the squat toilet three feet away, and looking at open wiring on the water heater/shower head combo, I began to rejoice. The broken tiles, the hand-made furnishings, and the almost comfortable bed are all reasons for me to praise my God. Because, with all the faults that this place has, it’s still better than what half of the world is sleeping in tonight and, as I realized, it’s good enough. Even though it doesn’t have everything I might want, it still has exactly what I need. This is a lesson that Americans need to learn again.

Thank you, Lord! Thank you for getting me out of my pampered lifestyle once again to remember how 75% of the world lives. I’m thankful that when you came to the earth, Lord, that you were not born in a mansion, but in a manger. You never came to impress the world with your possessions, but rather, with your power to change the human heart and forgive sins. Let me do the same this week.

Maybe I’ll be able to drift off to sleep now.

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Adam Dragoon Adam Dragoon

His Love Never Fails by Max Lucado from This Is Love

Mary had been there. She had heard the leaders clamor for Jesus’ blood. She had witnessed the Roman whip rip the skin off His back. She had winced as the thorns sliced His brow and wept at the weight of the cross.

In the Louvre there is a painting of the scene of the cross. In the painting the stars are dead and the world is wrapped in darkness. In the shadows there is a kneeling form. It is Mary. She is holding her hands and lips against the bleeding feet of the Christ.

We don’t know if Mary did that, but we know she could have. She was there. She was there to hold her arm around the shoulder of Mary the mother of Jesus. She was there to close His eyes. She was there.

So it’s not surprising that she wants to be there again.

In the early morning mist she arises from her mat, takes her spices and aloes, and leaves her house, past the Gate of Gennath and up to the hillside. She anticipates a somber task. By now the body will be swollen. His face will be white. Death’s odor will be pungent.

A gray sky gives way to gold as she walks up the narrow trail. As she rounds the final bend, she gasps. The rock in front of the grave is pushed back.

A party was the last thing Mary Magdalene expected as she approached the tomb on that Sunday morning. The last few days had brought nothing to celebrate. The Jews could celebrate - Jesus was out of the way. The soldiers could celebrate - their work was done. But Mary couldn’t celebrate. To her the last few days had brought nothing but tragedy.

“Someone took the body.” She runs to awaken Peter and John. They rush to see for themselves. She tries to keep up with them but can’t. Peter comes out of the tomb bewildered and John comes out believing, but Mary just sits in front of it weeping. The two men go home and leave her alone with her grief.

But something tells her she is not alone.

Maybe she hears a noise. Maybe she hears a whisper. Or maybe she just hears her own heart tell her to take a look for herself. Whatever the reason, she does. She stoops down, sticks her head into the hewn entrance, and waits for her eyes to adjust to the dark.

“Why are you crying?” She sees what looks to be a man, but he’s white - radiantly white. He is one of two lights on either end of the vacant slab. Two candles blazing on an altar.

“Why are you crying?” An uncommon question to be asked in a cemetery. In fact, the question is rude. That is, unless the questioner knows something the questionee doesn’t.

“They have taken my Lord away, and I don’t know where they have put Him.”

She still calls Him “my Lord.” As far as she knows, His lips were silent. As far as she knows, His corpse had been carted off by grave robbers. But in spite of it all, He is still her Lord. Such devotion moves Jesus. It moves Him closer to her. So close she hears Him breathing. She turns and there He stands.

She thinks He is the gardener.

Now, Jesus could have revealed himself at this point. He could have called for an angel to present Him or a band to announce His presence. But He didn’t.

Why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for? - John 20:1-18

He doesn’t leave her wondering long, just long enough to remind us that He loves to surprise us. He waits for us to despair of human strength and then intervenes with heavenly. God waits for us to give up and then - surprise! And listen to the surprise as Mary’s name is spoken by a man she loved - a man she had buried.


God appearing at the strangest of places. Doing the strangest of things. Stretching smiles where there had hung only frowns. Placing twinkles where there were only tears. Hanging a bright star in a dark sky. Arching rainbows in the midst of thunderclouds. Calling names in a cemetery.

Miriam, He said softly, surprise!

Mary was shocked. It’s not often you hear your name spoken by an eternal tongue. But when she did, she recognized it. And when she did, she responded correctly.

She worshiped him.

His Resurrected Body

Jesus appeared to the followers in a flesh-and-bone body:

A spirit does not have flesh and bones as you see that I have. - Luke 24:39

His resurrected body was a real body, real enough to walk on the road to Emmaus, to be mistaken for that of a gardener, to swallow fish at breakfast. In the same breath, Jesus’ real body was really different. The Emmaus disciples didn’t recognize Him, and walls didn’t stop Him. Mark tried to describe the new look and settled for “[Jesus] appeared in another form” (Mark 16:12).

While His body was the same, it was better; it was glorified. It was a heavenly body. And I can’t find the passage that says He shed it. He ascended in it.

He was lifted up while they were looking on, and a cloud received Him out of their sight. - Acts 1:9

He will return in it. The angel told the followers,

This Jesus, who has been taken up from you into heaven, will come in just the same way as you have watched Him go into Heaven. - Acts 1:11

The God-man is still both. The hands that blessed the bread of the boy now bless the prayers of the millions. And the mouth that commissions angels is the mouth that kissed children. You know what this means? The greatest force in the cosmos understands and intercedes for you.

We have an Advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous. - 1 John 2:1

Peter’s Breakfast with Jesus

See the fellow in the shadows? That’s Peter. Peter the apostle. Peter the impetuous. Peter the passionate. He once walked on water. Stepped right out of the boat onto the lake. He’ll soon preach to thousands. Fearless before friends and foes alike. But tonight the one who stepped on the water has hurried into hiding. The one who will speak with power is weeping in pain.

Not sniffling or whimpering, but weeping. Bawling.

Bearded face buried in thick hands. His howl echoing in the Jerusalem night. What hurts more? The fact that he did it? Or the fact that he swore he never would?

“Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and even to die with you!” he pledged only hours earlier. “But Jesus said,

Peter, before the rooster crows this day, you will say three times that you don’t know Me. - Luke 22:33-34

Denying Christ on the night of His betrayal was bad enough, but did he have to boast that he wouldn’t? And one denial was pitiful, but three? Three denials were horrific, but did he have to curse?

Peter began to place a curse on himself and swear, ‘I don’t know the man’. - Matthew 26:74

And now, awash in a whirlpool of sorrow, Peter is hiding. Peter is weeping. And soon Peter will be fishing.

We wonder why he goes fishing. We know why he goes to Galilee. He had been told that the risen Christ would meet the disciples there. The arranged meeting place is not the sea, however, but a mountain (Matthew 28:16). If the followers were to meet Jesus on a mountain, what are they doing in a boat? No one told them to fish, but that’s what they did.

Simon Peter said, ‘I am going out to fish.’ The others said, ‘We will go with you’. - John 21:3

Besides, didn’t Peter quit fishing? Two years earlier, when Jesus called him to fish for men, didn’t he drop his net and follow? We haven’t seen him fish since. We never see him fish again. Why is he fishing now? Especially now! Jesus has risen from the dead. Peter has seen the empty tomb. Who could fish at a time like this? Were they hungry? Perhaps that’s the sum of it. Maybe the expedition was born out of growling stomachs.

Or then again, maybe it was born out of a broken heart. You see, Peter could not deny his denial. The empty tomb did not erase the crowing rooster. Christ had returned, but Peter wondered, he must have wondered,

After what I did, would He return for someone like me?

We’ve wondered the same. Is Peter the only person to do the very thing he swore he’d never do?

“Infidelity is behind me!”
“From now on, I’m going to bridle my tongue.”
“No more shady deals. I’ve learned my lesson.”
Oh, the volume of our boasting. And, oh, the heartbreak of our shame. Rather than resist the flirting, we return it. Rather than ignore the gossip, we share it. Rather than stick to the truth, we shade it. And the rooster crows, and conviction pierces, and Peter has a partner in the shadows.

We weep as Peter wept, and we do what Peter did. We go fishing. We go back to our old lives. We return to our pre-Jesus practices. We do what comes naturally, rather than what comes spiritually. And we question whether Jesus has a place for folks like us.

Jesus answers that question. He answers it for you and me and all who tend to “Peter out” on Christ. His answer came on the shore of the sea in a gift to Peter. You know what Jesus did? Split the waters? Turn the boat to gold and the nets to silver? No, Jesus did something much more meaningful.

He invited Peter to breakfast. Jesus prepared a meal.

Of course, the breakfast was one special moment among several that morning. There was the great catch of fish and the recognition of Jesus. The plunge of Peter and the paddling of the disciples. And there was the moment they reached the shore and found Jesus next to a fire of coals. The fish were sizzling, and the bread was waiting, and the defeater of hell and the ruler of Heaven invited His friends to sit down and have a bite to eat.

No one could have been more grateful than Peter.

* Excerpted with permission from This is Love: The Extraordinary Story of Jesus by Max Lucado, copyright Thomas Nelson.

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Adam Dragoon Adam Dragoon

Is Anybody Paying Attention?

Acts 2:16-21 NLT - 16 No, what you see was predicted long ago by the prophet Joel: 17 'In the last days,' God says, 'I will pour out my Spirit upon all people. Your sons and daughters will prophesy. Your young men will see visions, and your old men will dream dreams. 18 In those days I will pour out my Spirit even on my servants--men and women alike--and they will prophesy. 19 And I will cause wonders in the heavens above and signs on the earth below--blood and fire and clouds of smoke. 20 The sun will become dark, and the moon will turn blood red before that great and glorious day of the LORD arrives. 21 But everyone who calls on the name of the LORD will be saved.'

While most of the east coast of America is disappointed that the weather did not cooperate with the viewing of the Blood Moon this morning, I am truly thankful that God is giving us such an obvious sign of his imminent return.

Please listen to Sunday night's message to find out why this is no coincidence, and why there is good reason to believe that the "The great day of the LORD [is] near; [It is] near and hastens quickly..." [Zeph 1:14].

It's time to live for Jesus!

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Adam Dragoon Adam Dragoon

Marital Bliss

In a culture that is inundated with horror stories of terrible marriages, I wanted to take a moment to contribute to the world a marital success story.


Today, on our 13th Wedding Anniversary, I can look back with joy that two starry-eyed 19-year-olds embarked on a wild journey that has brought us to this blessed place today. Back then, I didn't know what a successful marriage looked like.. now I do.

I wake up everyday with the comfort of knowing that there is a strong, beautiful, intelligent, and loving woman by my side, undergirding and giving meaning to anything and everything that I put my hands to. I can't imagine my life without her by my side. Our lives have become so intertwined that they true have melded into one.. bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh. She was, is and continues to become the woman of my dreams.


Taya Jo Dragoon. What a miracle that my name is at the end of hers. I eternally grateful for the years of faithfulness, joy, excitement, and loyalty.  May the next 13 years bring even more Marital Bliss!


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Adam Dragoon Adam Dragoon

Back to the USA!

It was a wonderful trip to China. We can't wait to get back to VA Beach to ignite a flame of revival!

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Adam Dragoon Adam Dragoon

The Journey Begins

The team to China has embarked on an amazing journey! We are filled with dreams and expectations for the coming week. Please pray for us as we believe God for a fruitful time.

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Adam Dragoon Adam Dragoon

Grand Opening Weekend


What an amazing weekend!

We stand amazed at the power of God to do amazing things in the lives of His people. Last weekend was a glorious display of what God can do and the power of having a fellowship to help us labor for the winning of souls.

It started with a great time of outreach Saturday morning. All of the area churches joined forces at our new location to spread the word for our Grand Opening services. Over 120 faithful saints chipped in to pray, witness and pass out flyers. Even though the rain changed our planned outreach, we hit every mall and Walmart within a ten mile radius. 5000 flyers were gone within three hours. More importantly, I heard reports of at least two people responding to Gospel and many, many reports of others that expressed interest in the drama and the Grand Opening services.


Saturday night was an amazing time as the incredible production of the Harriet Tubman play went on as planned. Several of the area churches came to participate, filling our building and making use of every one of our new chairs. There were more than 120 gathered to watch the play including about 15 first-time visitors. After the show was completed, we were thrilled to watch four hands raised in response to preaching of the Gospel. We are so appreciative to the Raleigh congregation for investing their time and energy to see souls saved in our city!


The Grand Opening weekend proceeded with our first Sunday services in the new building featuring Pastor Tony Chase. It was really a special time since Pastor Chase was saved in our church nearly 20 years ago. The morning service had 60 precious souls gathered to participate in our inaugural service including about 6 first-time visitors. Tony preached his brand of fiery Gospel truth that stirred us up to greater works and to be closer to God's presence. In the evening service, Pastor Chase brought everyone to tears with his inspired validation of the hard work and investment that had been done over the years from the long-term saints in our church.


We are grateful to everyone who has made this move possible. From all the previous pastors who laid the foundation, to the saints that faithfully execute the will of God no matter how difficult, to the leaders of our fellowship who have brought the vision and direction over the years, to the Chandler church for the constant example and encouragement, and most of all, to Christ, the Author and Finisher of our faith without whom we would be nothing!

Thank you!

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Adam Dragoon Adam Dragoon

Building the Kingdom

Over the last year, we have been laboring behind the scenes to acquire a new building for our church. Many many prayers have been prayed, many phone calls made, many conversations had, many minute decisions taken in the process of this whole thing coming together. I have been astounded over the last three weeks as the work has dramatically accelerated in the light of our February 24th Grand Opening services. All of our planning, prayers, phone calls and decisions of the last year have conglomerated in a relatively brief period of time as contractors build, paint, wire and install with meticulous fervency. It is extremely exciting to watch a dirty empty space transform into a well-designed and well-built church facility thy holds incredible promise for the people of God.

Now, while the prospect of a transformed building is a wonderful sight to behold, I have been reminded in my soul that that is NOTHING in comparison to the miraculous transformation of a human life wrought by the mighty hand of the Almighty. There is no doubt that the construction process is a breathtaking metamorphosis. What it is not though, is miraculous. Men can plan, men can design, men can build, paint, decorate, etc. Even the finest master builder cannot alter the spiritual condition of the heart. In fact, as I was touring the building during construction, I d encountered a man that was installing ceiling tiles. As we spoke, I understood that he had followed Christ in his youth but hadn't been to church in nearly a decade. He described the horror that comes as a result of living with out Godly influence. This builder desperately needed the Creator to reach down and build something in his own soul.

What about you? Do you still recognize the power of God to change people, lives, relationships and situations? Is your God still big enough to take a dusty, empty space without purpose and bring His holy design into it? Does He still have the permit to renovate your soul if needed? Wouldn't you grant him that authority today?

Laus Deo,

Pastor Adam Dragoon

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Adam Dragoon Adam Dragoon

The Sheep & The Shepherd

Over the last week, I have been extremely privileged to have been able to meet face-to-face with nearly all of the regular members of our growing congregation in encounters I had facetiously labeled "Flock Inspections". The results were nothing less than incredible. I think that as a shepherd, I learned far more about the precious people that God has entrusted to my care than I had expected to. That is a good thing, and I am thankful for the openness, honesty, and frankness of our church in these pastoral meetings.

My takeaway has been twofold: 1) I need to pray. I don't have the resources in my mind or in my experience to properly deal with all of the overwhelming issues that are happening behind the scenes, many times without any of my knowledge. I desperately need God to give me guidance and direction to lead His people rightly. 2) I am a blessed man. I was struck by the quality of the people that fill our off-color green chairs week in and week out. It is a testimony of God's ability to bring the right right people at the right time for His great purposes. I am more positive than I have ever been concerning the future of our church because of these meetings and realizing the incredible resources that God has entrusted in our ministry.

Truly, these are great sheep. Thank you, Lord!

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Adam Dragoon Adam Dragoon

Coming to the End

"Follow me," said The Lord. "Where are you going?" I asked. "To the grave."

Dying to self is really the only way be truly productive and fruitful in the Kingdom of God. We think that the only way to die to ourselves is by relocating to the slums of India or preaching to the jungles of Ecuador. The reality is that dying to self is done in the daily mundane decisions of life which might include:

-Giving up your busily planned Saturday to knock on doors in an outreach.

-Choosing to not purchase that shiny trinket so you can go on an impact team or give an offering.

-Deciding to join yourself to a body of believers (no matter how small), being accountable, rather than existing in sweet isolation and comfort.

The greatness of resurrection life and power cannot happen without a corpse. Death to self is the key that unlocks the power of God in your life.

What is still in your life that needs to die?

Prescott, AZ Sunrise

Prescott, AZ Sunrise

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Adam Dragoon Adam Dragoon

End of Day Two

Wow. Only four sermons have been preached so far, but it feels like we've received far more ministry than that.

I need to acknowledge how powerful it is to gather together with brethren that have a similar spirit and heartbeat for the Gospel. To be in that massive tent with thousands of other workers that are laboring along with us is to feel part of a great movement of God. I believe that this is a true preview of what Heaven will be like as the nations are gathered together under one banner for the eternal cause if Christ.

Today's ministry impacted me in a couple of ways. Pastor Nigel Brown exposed a powerful truth about the ability that wealth can have especially to those who have had long-term struggles with poverty in the past. It can trap you into being unwilling to risk for God. Pastor Glenn Cluck then challenged the conference body to contend for prophetic words spoken in faith. The final morning seminar today was preached by Pastor Paul Stephens from El Paso, TX. His message powerfully reminded me of the open doors that God has provided to this fellowship. One of the defining characteristics of our fellowship is that we have historically been positioned to step thought the doors that god has opened to us. Nogales, Perth, Amsterdam, Brasov.. All these are examples of incredible doors that were opened by God. The hard thing for us though is that God is still opening doors for us and it is possible for us to miss them! What doors of effectual ministry has God opened up to you that your are currently unaware of or insensitive to?

We were also blessed to able to eat lunch with Kevin Burris. He and his wife and new baby girl are planting a new church in VA Beach in the next coming weeks. It was a great opportunity to get to know our future co-laborer and to invite him to preach for us!

Pastor Campbell rounded out the evening with another great message challenging us to hear the voice of God. How often do we ignore or tune out what God wants to speak to us? Let us like Samuel be able to say, "speak, Lord, for your servant is listening".

Can't wait until tomorrow.

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Adam Dragoon Adam Dragoon

Prescott Conference - Day 2

As the sun rises over the beautiful Prescott valley this morning, I am grateful to be a part of such a thriving fellowship. A group of believers that has such a vision for the things of God.

I expect God to speak clearly today and with a lineup of Paul Stephens, Glenn Cluck and Nigel Brown I'd expect nothing less. Also, very much looking forward to tonight's service where my pastor, Joe Campbell will be preaching.

Pray for direction for each and every conference delegate to make righteous decisions. Thanks.

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Adam Dragoon Adam Dragoon

Conference Begins

Our first full Prescott conference... Wow. Excitement begins describe how we feel entering the classic Gospel tent on the corner of US89 & US89A in Prescott, AZ.

The theme is "Handfuls on Purpose" and the first night was just what we needed. Even the illness that weakened the voice of Pastor Mitchell could not weaken the vision that spouted out of his lips tonight. The question that still rings in my ears is.. Can God still move you to step for Him?

Pastor Wayman Mitchell is over 80 years old now, but is still a reliable mouthpiece for the Holy Spirit. There was certainly a tangible call being made to young and old to be able to step out of the comfort zone and risk it all to reach the world for Christ.

The inspiration for tonight's message came from a military mission from WWII called the Doolittle Raid in which 85 brave American serviceman volunteered to set out on a mission that carried no guarantee of return in response to the tragic Japanese sneak attack of Pearl Harbor. Supported by the account in Acts 13:1-14 of Paul and Barnabas stepping out for the first time from Antioch. They had no guarantee that it would work, what they did have was a heart set ablaze by the Holy Spirit and a church that was praying and fasting every step of the way.

Can we still set out on a mission in which the outcome is unclear? I hope so. That's the essence of this fellowship. Risking it all for the Heavenly mission to reach lost souls with the Gospel.

More to follow this week.

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