Remembering the Son of Encouragement

I received the heartbreaking news yesterday that a great friend and mentor in the Lord had entered into eternity. Evangelist Richard Brooks had a heart attack Monday that delivered him into the presence of our Savior. We are heartbroken for his family and church, and for the thousands of souls that were inspired by his fruitful ministry. But we are also overjoyed at the homecoming celebration that must be happening now in glory.
Pastor Brooks truly had the gift of evangelism. Lost souls were drawn to his ministry no matter where he was: Whether in the prison system of Australia where he got saved, or the streets of Brasov, Romania where he led what became a thriving fellowship of churches, in the larger church where he brought a spirit of humility and foundational teaching or in the growing church where he inspired the saints to witness with boldness and led many to conversion. He was truly a man about the Father's business.
We remember him as a wonderful preacher, a soul-winner, a disciple-maker, an inspirational leader and a skillful Donald Duck imitator. But most of all, I will remember him as the fellowship version of Barnabas, the Son of Encouragement. Every time I spoke with Evangelist Brooks, I went away from that conversation a little more encouraged, a little more inspired, a little more excited to live for God, a little more challenged to live holy and a little more ready for Heaven. One more reason to look forward to the life in eternity is the chance to be encouraged by him once again.
I have included below all of the recorded sermons that I could find in our church archive. I challenge you to listen to these messages without being entertained, inspired, convicted and encouraged.
Please pray for Pastor Brooks' family and friends as they are grieving his departure during this time.