Missions in Action

Lagos is a trip. Having been to Africa four years ago, I thought I was prepared for a return journey. But even Tanzania could not prepare us for what we've been seeing and experiencing here in Lagos, Nigeria for the last three days. This is a whole different ballgame. Topping out at over 20 million, Lagos is the most populous city on the continent. And you can feel it. Even though we have stayed mostly in one neighborhood of Festac City, we have gotten an authentic taste of the hustle and bustle of the big city.

We have also tasted something sweeter: the miracle of fruitfulness on the mission field. In these five services with long-term missionaries, Bitwell and Mary Hang'andu, our team has experienced the incredible blessing of God. The unity of the saints, the passion of their worship, and their vision to reach their city and nation is palpable. The revival services were amazing, each night more powerful than the last. Take a listen to our audio report below and please continue praying for us as we begin revival number two later tonight in the baby church!

Audio Report
Lagos Impact Team

Time to Pray, Think, and Vote!


A Busted Bus & Big-Hearted Believers